A Needle Pulling Thread, Issue #55 (2021) Trees
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The Folktale of Baba Yaga- "Калі ласка, у нашу казку!"
Скажыце, кім вы пужаеце сваіх дзяцей, калі яны ня слухаюцца? А вось беларускія дзеці ўжо напрацягу стагоддзяўнапалоханыя казкамі пра Бабу Ягу. І яны ўсё яшчэ дзейнічаюць...
What better story to highlight for the trees theme than the folktale of Baba Yaga? It’s a Belarusan folktale, set deep in the massive forest, that has been used to spook children over dozens of centuries in an attempt to get them to behave!
Among the snaggy trees lives the ferocious witch Baba Yaga in ‘The-Cabin-On-Chicken-Legs’, and this cabin is said to possesses magic powers. The incantation goes, “Cabin, Cabin, turn your back to the forest and your front to me", and the cabin will spin around creaking with blood-curdling screeches and eventually come to a stop to face the visitor, where it will lower itself down on its chicken legs and throw its door wide open!
Children are warned not to go alone deep into the forest for Baba Yaga will grab them there!
The story continues that Baba Yaga flies in a mortar and uses the pestle as a rudder sweeping the tracks behind her using her magic broom. She collects skulls for her the posts of her palisade that surrounds her cabin. She’s also a shapeshifter who appears so scary and then at times can be a wise woman that helps the most brave, hard-bitten heroes!
Anyway, that's how the spooky story goes; I guess it all depends on how much you want to scare the children...
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